Training Programme on Developing Project Proposals on Climate Change Mitigation
12-16 December 2016
Bangkok, Thailand

The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) in partnership with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, under the umbrella of the Climate Change Asia, and with the generous financial support from the Ministry of Environment, Japan, aims to strengthen the capacity of government agencies of selected Asian countries to access international climate finance, in particular for projects focusing on technologies for climate change mitigation. Having consulted the target countries, RRC.AP has designed the training programme covering a detailed introduction to the process of developing bankable project proposals complemented by hands-on exercises. In response to the needs expressed by the target countries, the training programme focused exclusively on project proposals for the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

The training programme on Developing Project Proposals on Climate Change Mitigation was implemented on 12-16 December 2016 in Grand Sukhumvit Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.

Twenty-four trainees from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, The Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam participated in the training programme. Three participants represented GCF National Designated Authority offices in their countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam). One participant represented a Direct Access Entity (DAE) to the GCF and another a candidate DAE. The remaining trainees were from institutions aiming to develop project proposals.  

Objectives and outcomes

The overall objective of the training programme is to contribute to the proliferation of clean technologies and the advancement of low-emission climate-resilient development by establishing a cadre of skilled personnel in Asia able to prepare bankable projects, and access and utilise international climate finance.

As demonstrated by the feedback received, the learning evaluation, and the concept note outlines developed, the training programme was successful in ensuring that the participants:

  • Improved their understanding of the operational procedures and policies of the GCF;
  • Learned the basics of how to develop a GCF project concept;
  • Developed outlines of five new GCF concept notes; and
  • Acquired knowledge that can be disseminated to colleagues at their respective institutions.

Training content

The training programme featured lectures, group work, and presentations by resource persons.  The programme covered the following topics:
  • Module 1 – Understanding GCF operations from a project development point of view;
  • Module 2 – Developing a GCF Project Concept Note: elaboration of a logical framework, defining result areas and choosing a suitable Accredited Entity;
  • Module 3 – Developing a GCF Project Concept Note: complying with the GCF Investment Framework;
  • Module 4 – Developing a GCF Project Concept Note: elaboration of implementation arrangements, ensuring stakeholder engagement, complying with regulatory requirements, and carrying out risk analysis; and
  • Module 5 – Developing next steps (road map) to allow for finalizing the draft GCF Concept Note and elaborating a Full Funding Proposal.

12 December 2016 

Module 1 – Understanding GCF operations from a project development point of view ​ 


Opening remarks

Mr. Osamu Mizuno, Director, Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific
Prof. Mukand Babel, Chair, Climate Change Asia

Mr. Shuichi Ozawa, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment of Japan

0945-1000 Introduction of the training programme, pre-course evaluation, group picture
1000-1015Coffee break

Session 1: GCF unique features, governance and revenues

Exercise and trainer presentation

This session will focus on the mission and governance of the GCF, including how the GCF fits in and differs from other international climate finance sources.


Session 2: GCF access, accreditation, fit for purpose, environmental and social standards, roles of accredited entities

Exercise and trainer presentation

This session will focus on what project developers need to understand about the roles and requirements of Accredited Entities.


Session 3: GCF investment strategy/framework

Exercise and trainer presentation

This session will focus on the criteria and policies used by the GCF to appraise funding proposals.


Session 4: GCF Proposal Approval Process, role of NDAs and GCF financial instruments

Exercise and trainer presentation

This session will focus on how project ideas are being called for, how proposals will be approved, which financial instruments are available and what is required to get a no-objection letter from the respective National Designated Authority.

1430-1445Coffee break

Session 5: Lessons Learned from current GCF Project Pipeline; Results and Performance Measurement Framework

Exercise and trainer presentation

This session will focus on features of typical GCF projects already approved or currently in the GCF's project pipeline, as well as indicators that should be used in proposal design and implementation.


Special session: Update on the Green Climate Fund

Presentation by Dr. Binu Parthan, Asia Advisor, GCF Secretariat (40 min presentation  followed by 20 min Q&A)


Session 6: Discussion and organization of group work to follow on day 2 focusing on concept note design

Moderated discussion

This session will focus on organizing group work to be carried out on day 2.


Day 1 training evaluation

Participants to fill in a one-page evaluation form

This item aims at receiving feedback on participants' perception of the training day.

1800-2100 Reception dinner

13 December 2016

Module 2 – Developing a GCF Project Concept Note: Elaboration of logical framework, choice of result areas, choice of Accredited Entity


Results of day 1 training evaluation

Presentation; brief plenary discussion of how to accommodate feedback


Session 7: Introduction to GCF Project Concept Note and Full Funding Proposal Templates

Trainer presentation

This session will introduce the structures and logics of the GCF templates for Concept Notes and Funding Proposals.


Session 8: Elaboration of logical framework for proposed GCF projects

Presentation followed by moderated group work

This session will focus on groups developing one logframe per group/project, if necessary, using the problem tree method to facilitate the work.

 Coffee break (intermittent during group work)

Special session: Architecture of international climate finance

Presentation by Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal, Asian Institute of Technology

(20 min presentation, 10 min Q&A)


Session 9: Presentation and discussion of choice of accredited entities and logical frameworks

Group presentation, followed by moderated plenary discussion

This session will focus on providing feedback to selected logframes elaborated during session 8.

 Coffee break (intermittent during group work)

Session 10: Choice of result areas and Accredited Entities for proposal

Moderated plenary discussion

This session will focus on providing further feedback to selected logframes elaborated during session 8, with particular reference to result area and AE choices.


Day 2 training evaluation

Participants to fill in a one-page evaluation form

This item aims at receiving feedback on participants' perception of the training day.

14 December 2016

Module 3 – Developing a GCF Project Concept Note: Investment Framework compliance


Results of day 2 training evaluation

Presentation; brief plenary discussion of how to accommodate feedback


Session 11: Continuation of proposal design – Elaboration of main points responding to the GCF's investment criteria

Presentation followed by moderated group work

This session will focus on groups developing and formulating arguments to respond to the GCF's investment criteria, including impact; paradigm shift; sustainable development; recipient needs; ownership; as well as effectiveness and efficiency criteria. Apart from using GCF guidelines, the participants will also consider relevant text and examples of approved GCF projects.

 Coffee break (intermittent during group work)

Session 12: Presentation and discussion of investment criteria group work

Group presentation, followed by moderated plenary discussion

This session will focus on providing feedback to selected group presentations.


Day 3 training evaluation

Participants to fill in a one-page evaluation form

This item aims at receiving feedback on participants' perception of the training day.

1100-1900 Field visit to showcase clean technology examples, followed by historical site visit.

15 December 2016

Module 4 – Developing a GCF Project Concept Note: Implementation arrangements, stakeholder engagement, market overview, regulatory requirements, risk analysis 


Results of day 3 training evaluation

Presentation; brief plenary discussion of how to accommodate feedback


Special session: Introduction to street lighting technology for developing countries
Presentation by Mr. Maeki Tsuyoshi and Mr. Okagawa Shinzo, Panasonic

(15 min presentation, 10 min Q&A)


Session 13: Continuation of proposal design – Elaboration of main points responding to the GCF's requirements for implementation arrangements and stakeholder engagement

Presentation followed by moderated group work

This session will focus on groups developing and formulating arguments to respond to the GCF's requirements for implementation arrangements and stakeholder engagement. Apart from using GCF guidelines, the participants will also consider relevant text and examples of approved GCF projects.

 Coffee break (intermittent during group work)

Session 14: Presentation and discussion of group work focusing on implementation arrangements and stakeholder engagement

Group presentation, followed by moderated plenary discussion

This session will focus on providing feedback to selected group presentations.


Session 15: Continuation of proposal design – Elaboration of main points responding to the GCF's requirements for risk analysis, market overview, regulation, taxation and insurance issues

Presentation followed by moderated group work

This session will focus on groups developing and formulating arguments to respond to the GCF's requirements for risk analysis, market overview, regulation, taxation and insurance issues. Apart from using GCF guidelines, the participants will also consider relevant text and examples of approved GCF projects.

 Coffee break (intermittent during group work)

Session 16: Presentation and discussion of group work focusing on risk analysis, market overview, regulation, taxation and insurance issues

Group presentation, followed by moderated plenary discussion

This session will focus on providing feedback to selected group presentations.


Session 17: GCF readiness assistance for funding proposal development


This session will focus on the requirements and procedures to receive assistance from the GCF for further project preparation, i.e. development of Full Funding Proposals, including background documents required for Full Funding Proposals, such as feasibility study, Environmental and Social Impact assessment, etc.


Day 4 training evaluation

Participants to fill in a one-page evaluation form

This item aims at receiving feedback on participants' perception of the training day.


16 December 2016

Module 5 – Next steps (road map)


Results of day 4 training evaluation

Presentation; brief plenary discussion of how to accommodate feedback


Interactive session: Challenges and opportunities in climate proofing and financing investment projects: multilateral financial institutions' experiences

Discussion moderated by Dr. Bindu Lohani, former ADB Vice President


Special session:  UNEP's experience with the GCF in Asia

Presentation by Dr. Sudhir Sharma, United Nations Environment Programme

(15 min presentation, 10 min Q&A)


Session 18: Elaboration of a road map on how to complete the Concept Note and corresponding Full Funding Proposal

Moderated group work

This session will focus on groups producing road maps for completing the Concept Note elaborated so far, applying for GCF Project Preparation Facility support, as well as Full Funding Proposal development, including required background documentation such as feasibility studies, environmental and social impact assessments. In addition, aspects such as how to procure, select and manage professional project developers, roles of Government and other institutions, etc. will be included.

 Coffee break (intermittent during group work)

Session 19: Presentation, discussion and finalization of road maps

Group presentation, followed by moderated plenary discussion and finalization of road maps

This session will focus on providing feedback to group presentations as well as finalizing the road maps produced.


Sessions 20 and 21 (combined): Final training evaluation and closing plenary discussion on usefulness of the pilot training programme and how its content, materials and approach can be improved and refined for future training events of a similar nature

Participants to fill in a two-page evaluation form, followed by moderated discussion

This item aims at receiving written feedback on participants' perception of the overall training workshop.

 Coffee break (intermittent during group work)

Special session:  Interaction with the Green Climate Fund

Dr. Binu Parthan, Green Climate Fund


Award of training certificates to participants

Closing remarks:
Dr. Mara Mendes, Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific

Dr. Rabhi Abdessalem, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

Mr. Shuichi Ozawa, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment of Japan

Prof. Mukand Babel, Chair, Climate Change Asia