Climate Change Asia

About Climate Change Asia 

The Climate Change Asia (CCA) initiative was established at the Asian Institute of Technology in 2016 with like-minded partners - the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and the United States Agency for International Development - with the aim to build capacities of developing countries in Asia and the Pacific to access, mobilize and manage climate finance from various sources with a focus on the Green Climate Fund. 

Since 2016, 604 government officials and other stakeholders from 31 countries across Asia and the Pacific have attended our capacity-building events. 

08 May 2018
30 Mar 2018
09 Mar 2018
19 Feb 2018
13 Feb 2018

Capacity Building

The capacity building needs in Asia are huge. To make a truly meaningful difference to the existing state of affairs, CCA will need to collaborate with  like-minded partners and organizations. Hence, CCA will tap into not only the whole of AIT's resources (including faculty and post-graduate students, AIT Solutions, Extension Service, and the Regional Resources Center for Asia-Pacific) but also its extensive network—of education and research institutions, training institutes (such as the Climate Change International Technical and Training Center (CITC) in Bangkok and the International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCAD) in Bangladesh), international agencies, regional networks, and public and private sector organizations—for jointly addressing the capacity building needs in Asia.


Developing project proposals takes time, especially if there are multiple stakeholders involved. CCA provides the participants with the know-how and skills in assessing project opportunities, mitigation and adaptation options, and managing the development of these proposals. Once course participants leave the classroom, they continue to have access to expert help from CCA as they return home to implement what they have learned. Mentors are available to help participants finalize and guide their climate change proposals through to approval. Experts are available by internet and telephone to respond to urgent technical questions. Other techniques, such as remote learning, are employed to ensure that participants get the follow-up support they require to put lessons into practice. 

Knowledge Sharing 

We believe there's a lot to learn from each other. Therefore, we strive to foster dialogue and lesson sharing between stakeholders through conferences, workshops, webinars, and other events. We also develop user-friendly guides and other learning materials such as publications "Beginner's Guide to the Climate Change Mitigation Funding" and "Making the Climate Change Argument: Tips and Tricks on Writing a Winning Proposal" (soon to be published).